Eggplant Caviar

with Duernas

This recipe is used by the Chefs of Team DSM during the races in Europe. The riders of Team DSM consume the Eggplant Caviar after an intense race day as a side vegetable during dinner.


  • 2 eggplants
  • 10 ml Finca Duernas ‘’Time to reset“ (EVOO with lemon) olive oil
  • 1 garlic love
  • 10 grams thyme
  • 10 grams rosemary
  • 2 bay leaf
  • Pepper and salt 


  • Oven
  • 1 baking tray (with baking paper)
  • 1 chopping board

Preparation method 

  • Pre-heat the oven on 160 degrees
  • Cut the eggplant in half (long side)
  • Carve them into a diamond pattern (not to deep)
  • Put them on a baking tray.
  • Put the bay leaves, garlic, and herbs in the carves.
  • Sprinkle the Fincas Duernas “Time to Reset” (EVOO with lemon) olive oil over the eggplants. 
  • Add pepper and salt over the eggplants
  • Put the eggplants in the oven for 2 -2.5 hours
  • Take them out the oven and remove the herbs
  • Use a spoon to scrape out the pulp/inside of the eggplant. Put the pulp on a plate and serve as a side dish!

Tip: Grilled fish or lamb would taste amazing on the side of these vegetables. When you grill the fish or lamb the best you can use is the Fincas duernas Cuisine!

Medalla de Oro de los premios Internacionales de AOVE ecológico ECOTRAMA

GOLD MEDAL by ECOTRAMA, the most prestigious international organic awards